Thursday, December 11, 2008

Recipe 24: Chocolate Macaroon

Thursday, December 11, 2008
70 gr butter non-salt
50 gr almond (almond which been sliced soft and dried.
4 teaspoons cocoa butter (non-sugar)
50 gr soft flour
3 teaspoons granulated sugar

1. Let butter in the warm room . Mixed in the cup stirred until joined became cream.
2. Mixed that all the materials with turned, then put in the middle of and stirred flatten. Continued stirred until hardened.
3. The very round form until formed the measuring ball 3 cm. Firstly took the material with one hand, then the fist and turned-turned in a second manner the hands.
4. The cake that has been covered was placed above roaster. In order to not cling mutually during compiled arranged with the distance 3-4 cm in a hot manner 180 degree for 15 minutes
5. If being ripe, adopted and hushed until cold.

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