Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Recipe 2: Taramosalada

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Material : (Taramosalada for 2 portions)
1. Potato size medium was One
2. Tarako (A kind of fish egg)1/2 - 1
3. Mayonnaise 2 spoons
4. Olive Oil 1 spoon tea
5. Lime 1 spoon tea
6. Salt and pepper adequate

How to make it:
1. Clean the potato afterwards the package with his skin with wrapping plastic. Heated in the microwave 500-watt for 5 minutes and if could be stabbed with the significant toothpick this potato was ripe.
2. Peel potato skin and put the potato into the cup and destroyed with the fork.
3. The piece of the middle tarako (a kind of fish egg) and issued the contents of the depth. Mixed with the lime water. Discard his skin.
4. Put tarako in no.3, mayonnaise, olive oil, pepper in batter no.2 available in the cup. Stirred until level and adapted the level of salty.
5. Cut cucumber,paprika and other vegetables to in decorated upper taramosalada.

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