Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Recipe 1: Pudding Glass

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Pudding Glass:
The material (pudding for 4 portions)
1. milk 400ml
2. sugar 5 spoons
3. the egg 3 lett
for caramel sauce:
1. sugar 3 spoons
2. water 1 spoons
Let see how to make it
Heat milk with small fire, put sugar. Stirred equitable and like that sugar already protracted extinguished fire, took his foam. Take care to do not boil.
2. Break the egg and stirred
3. Put batter no.1 slowly. Stirred equitable and don't forget to put vanila essence
4. Refine with the soft filter. With like this pudding will be far more soft and soft on the tongue.
5. His caramel sauce was made with the small pan. Put sugar and water stirred fast on big fire. When his colour has changed yellowish chocolate and began to be smoking. Extinguish fire and put in 4 glasses.
6. Put batter no.4 on caramel sauce
7. Put water was supervised the pan boiler, if water has boiled extinguished fire and put glasses inside boiler.Steam with big fire during 2-3 minutes, afterwards steam during 13-15 minutes with small fire .Open seldom was closed at him to dismiss somewhat hot him. His key to being to maintain the temperature stayed low. Slip cloth was supervised closed the pan so that his steam did not drip inside pudding.
8. The stick with the toothpick and if not going out his egg batter then was finished already. If being cold then put in the refrigerator.

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