Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Recipe 3: Rainbow Colored Jelly

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Materials : (Rainbow Colored Jelly for 8 glasses)
1. Juice 5 feeling kinds: 250 cc (the feeling grape, orange, melon, guava, lychee)
2. The gelatin Powder 5 pack @ 5 gr
3. Lump Sugar 2 small measurements
How to make it:
1. Put 250cc juice in the small measurement pan, heated and put lump sugar. Stirred used the cake beater and extinguished fire if sugar has been destroyed.
2. Put the gelatin powder into the batter pan no.1 stirred with the cake beater until equitable.
3. If being stirred will emerge the white foam, discarded this white foam.
4. Put the pan contained the juice mixture in cold water. If the liquid has been cold, put in glasses.
5. Put glasses into the refrigerator and was waiting up until 1 hour through to beautiful hardened. Finished...

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